The Love Your Block initiative invites organizations to submit project proposals that can transform their blocks with up to $1,000 and the support of City Departments. With these grant funds, winning groups can purchase supplies, engage their neighbors, and roll up their sleeves to transform their neighborhood – block by block! Projects may include, but are not limited to:
- Creating Green Spaces: Community gardens, pocket parks, public spaces, or vacant lot cleanups
- Enhancing Parks: painting structures, creating garden beds, picnic areas, shrub / flower plantings
- Streetscaping: Planting trees & flowers along curbs / entry-ways, sprucing up neighborhood signs
- Removing Graffiti and Litter: Tire dumping, recycling waste, swapping graffiti for murals, etc.
- Sprucing up of Pathways: Mulching / clearing overgrowth on trails, creating safe school “walking” bus routes
For more info, go to