
- 418 Semple Street (continuance): Violation: Sidewalk disrepair Owner: Susan and James R Connors
- 342 Meyran Avenue: Violation: Couch on porch Owner: Jamil Khalil
- 3612 Frazier Street: Violation: Overgrowth on property Owner: Lavaughn Williams
- 21 Oakland Square (continuance): Violation: Work without a permit Owner: Stephen P Pellegrino and Mary V Shea
- 19 Oakland Square: Violation: Deteriorating exterior walls/ Structurally unsound porch/ Improper roof drainage/ Improper handrails Owner: Stephen P Pellegrino and Mary V Shea
- 3325 Parkview Avenue (continuance): Violation: Garbage and debris throughout property/ Incorrect handrails on front entry steps, exterior steps and interior basement steps/ Deteriorating roof drains, gutters and downspouts Owner: Peter Kamaras
About Solarize Allegheny
We’re Bringing The Solar Store to You.
Over the next two years, Solarize Allegheny will launch multiple 20-week local community campaigns. We’re expanding solar across our county by making the purchase of solar more affordable and convenient for residents and businesses. Be a part of this exciting effort to bring more clean energy to our communities.
With Solarize Allegheny, our goal is to double the amount of solar installed across our county over the next two years by using SmartPower’s proven on-the-ground community outreach that demonstrates that solar makes sense for residents and business owners.
Phase 1 of Solarize Allegheny will launch in three communities (or coalitions of communities) in January 2015. Phase 2 will launch in late spring of 2015.
Any Allegheny County municipality or City of Pittsburgh neighborhood is eligible to participate. Solarize Communities and will be selected through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process.
The RFP from Communities for Phase 1 can be found at www.SolarizeAllegheny.org. The deadline for submitting an RFP for Phase 1 is Friday, December 12, 2014
- 515 Cato Street: Violation: Overgrown weeds and grass Owner: Huiying Yu and Youcheng Jiang
- 253 Halket Place: Violation: Garbage and debris throughout property Owner: Roxanne and Stephen Sortino
- 3228 Parkview Avenue: Violation: Overgrown weeds and grass Owner: Daniel P Tudi
- 21 Oakland Square: Violation: Work without a permit Owner: Stephen Pellegrino
If you plan to attend or would like to share a ride, get in touch with Oakwatch at 412.621.7863 ext. 21 or oakwatch@opdc.org
In an effort to increase community participation and awareness, the District 6 Office is currently revamping our Mobile Office visits. During this time we will be canceling the visits until after the New Year. In the meantime if there are any questions or issues please feel free to contact the office at 412-255-2134.
District 6 Office
The City of Pittsburgh is in the process of preparing its 2010-19 Five-Year Consolidated Plan, Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Action Plan, and its Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. The City has retained a planning consultant firm, Urban Design Ventures, LLC, to assist in the preparation of these plans. The City needs to prepare these documents in order to access CDBG, HOME, ESG, and HOPWA funds.
Public meetings will be held in order to get feedback and comments from the community. The following four (4) meetings will be held in the upcoming weeks. If you are able to, please attend any/all the meetings:
Larimer Kingsley Association (EAST)
Wednesday, November 12th, 2014
6:00 PM
6435 Frankstown Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Shelter at Banksville Park (WEST)
Monday, November 17th, 2014
6:00 PM
1500 Crane Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
Knoxville Library (SOUTH)
Wednesday, November 19th, 2014
6:00 PM
400 Brownsville Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Allegheny (NORTH)
Monday, November 24th, 2014
6:00 PM
1230 Federal Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15212