- Must be a college student
- Completed at least 45 credit hours
- Maintain at least a 2.5 QPA
Pittsburgh Police Youth Programs Unit
The Cops & Kids Summer Camp represents a unique experience for Pittsburgh area youth to understand and explore all aspects of policing and public safety.
For one week, campers will experience positive interactions with police officers. The curriculum is designed to enhance your child’s knowledge of public safety, as well as, reinforcing positive decision-making.
It is our objective to encourage campers to start early being responsible for their actions. This year we are focusing on education, keeping them “Promise Ready” during the summer months.
The goal of Cops & Kids is to help build self esteem, self awareness, and a better understanding what it takes to become a good citizen.
The Camp Sessions will be held:
- July 18-22 – CCAC/Allegheny Campus (Northside)
- July 25-29 – Duquesne University
- August 1-5 – University Of Pittsburgh
See the attached flyer and application for more information.

Thursday, March 10, 2016, 6 – 7 p.m.
Director, Eric Dorfman, Carnegie Museum of Natural History will be in person to host a live videoconference with Matt Lamanna, paleontologist and principal dinosaur researcher of expedition AP3: Antarctica Peninsula Paleontology Project currently in Antarctica
Join this event at the Forbes Digital Plaza (corner of S. Bouquet St. & Forbes Ave.)
Live from Antarctica! Eric Dorfman, Director of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, will be on location at Forbes Digital Gateway in Oakland to host a live videoconference with Matt Lamanna, paleontologist and principal dinosaur researcher currently on expedition in Antarctica. This is a free community event to encourage the general public, students, and others to meet the director of the museum as well as ask Dr. Lamanna questions about his discoveries and experiences as he hunts for dinosaur fossils with a team of experts in Antarctica. Dr. Lamanna will take questions from participants and reporters from the research vessel Nathaniel B. Palmer and projected to the 10′ x 8′ foot high-resolution screen in Forbest Digital Plaza.
Dr. Lamanna recently received international press coverage when he and a international team of experts, completed work describing a plant-eating dinosaur from Argentina that is one of the largest animals to ever roam the earth’s surface, weighing in at 40,000 – 60 ,000 kg (44 – 66 tons). They have named this beast Notocolossus gonzalezparejasi. Dr. Lamanna has led several expeditions in his career but due to new technology, this is the first time he has been able to communicate via videoconference and regularly check into to provide updates on his experiences. For additional information on this expedition, please visit antarcticdinos.org.

– May 22
Student Police Academy Info/Application:
- Learn about the financial aid process.
- Receive a timeline checklist to stay on track
For information call (412) 241-6690
The City of Pittsburgh Department of Innovation and Performance will launch the “Pittsburgh Roadmap for Inclusive Innovation” on Tuesday, September 8.
The Roadmap for Inclusive Innovation has been a year-plus long engagement with the community and is based on extensive research and analysis of the City as well as best practices from around the world. It is a strategic plan aimed to improve the quality of life for all residents. The Roadmap encompasses over 100 projects that will support equitable access to technology, City resources, and information.
What: Pittsburgh Roadmap for Inclusive Innovation Launch
When: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 3:30 p.m.


- Stipends for students
- Career-based mentored work experience
- CPR/AED/First Aid certification
- Microsoft Office certification
- Homework assistance, tutoring and SAT preparation
- Annual College Fair and Paying for College Seminar
- Meet professionals in your career field
- Sports/music and cultural field trips
- City of Pittsburgh residency
- Attend a traditional public/charter/private high school – entering 9-12 grade this fall
- Completed application
- Attend summer orientation on Fridays at 10am
- Willing to commit a minimum of ONE year to the program

- The Mayor’s Office will explore possibilities to provide better support to the larger maker community.
- Event organizers will publicly release a call for makers to participate in the first-ever Maker Faire Pittsburgh
- The Sprout Fund will premiere the Remake Learning Playbook
- The Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh will announce the ten schools chosen to participate in the pilot stage of the project, “Kickstarting Making in Schools.”
- The Remake Learning Council will convene local maker stakeholders to advance the collective agenda for “Pittsburgh Makes.”
- Maker leaders from the region will join colleagues from other major cities to form the American Maker Cities (AMC) North.