- Spring 2015: The public scoping period begins with the May 5 & 6 public meetings and extends to June 4, 2015 during which additional public and agency input is received. The NEPA review will begin. Coordination with the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission has been initiated and contacts with other regulatory and resource agencies will occur.
- Summer 2015: Community workshops to discuss the location and design of BRT stations will be convened. The analysis of the alternatives effects on the social and economic environment, physical environment and transportation system will continue. The alternatives will be refined.
- Fall 2015: The NEPA analyses will be completed. Based on the input from the workshops and technical analyses, the station designs will be developed further.
- Winter/Spring 2016: The draft NEPA document will be prepared.
- Spring/Summer 2016: The public will review and comment on the draft NEPA document. Based on public comment and the NEPA analyses, the LPA will be selected. A report on the LPA will be submitted to FTA for approval to advance the project into Preliminary Engineering.