The City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Works, in conjunction with PennDOT and Mosites Heavy Construction, remind commuters that full-lane closures of I-376 East will begin on Sunday, Dec. 27 at 6:00 a.m. The closure is permitted to last until Friday, Jan. 1 at 6:00 a.m. but project officials expect to reopen the parkway sooner, weather depending.
The five-day closure of the Parkway East is necessary to execute the implosion and site cleanup of the Greenfield Bridge. Implosion of the Greenfield Bridge is currently scheduled for Monday, Dec. 28 at 9:00 a.m.

The Residential Parking Permit Recertification meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, 2015 at Magee-Women's Hospital at 6:30pm.  They will mail out meeting notification letters along with a questionnaire after Christmas.   Surveys for changes to enforcement will take place after the meeting.  The meeting is where suggestions must be made so attending residents can have a discussion on the suggested changes.

There is a meeting regarding the potential transit connector from ALMONO site through Junction Hollow.  It is 6:30 pm Monday, Dec 7, at the International Union Of Operating Engineers building in lower Greenfield, 300 Saline Street, near Big Jim’s Restaurant.

Click here for article describing the current proposal

Click here for what appears to be the final 2009 proposal referenced in that article

Several articles regarding citizen concerns about this project:


The City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Works, in conjunction with PennDOT and Mosites Heavy Construction, has postponed the I-376 East (Parkway East) closures originally scheduled for December 4-6.
All inbound and outbound lanes of the Parkway East will be open this weekend.
This decision was made by the City of Pittsburgh after extensive conversations with Mosites Heavy Construction. Both the city and contractor feel that it is in the best interest of the community to keep the Parkway East open while PennDOT is conducting a Parkway West weekend closure. The city and contractor are confident that delaying the Parkway East closure one week will not disrupt the planned deconstruction and demolition schedule of the Greenfield Bridge.
The Parkway East closures have been postponed one week. The next weekend closure of I-376 East will take place Friday, Dec. 11 at 11:00 p.m. through Monday, Dec. 14 at 6:00 a.m.
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Traffic Advisory
REMINDER: I-376 East Inbound/Outbound Closures Scheduled This Weekend
The City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Works, in conjunction with PennDOT and Mosites Construction and Development Company, announced the following full-lane, weekend closures of I-376 East.
Friday, Dec. 4 – Sunday, Dec. 6
Closed: Friday, Dec. 4 at 10:00 p.m.
Reopen: Sunday, Dec. 6 at  5:00 p.m.*
*Project productivity and clear weather could result in an earlier reopening on Dec. 6.
The eastbound (outbound) closures will begin at Oakland (Exit 72A). All outbound traffic will be directed to the posted detour starting at Exit 72A. Additionally, the Bates St. outbound entrance ramp will be closed. Local access to the outbound Parkway East will be available at the Sq. Hill/ Homestead (Exit 74) and Edgewood/ Swissvale (Exit 77) outbound entrance ramps. A map of the eastbound closures and detours can be found here.
The westbound (inbound) closures will begin at Wilkinsburg (Exit 78B). All inbound traffic coming from the east will be directed to the posted detour starting at Exit 78B. The Edgewood/Swissvale and Sq. Hill/Homestead entrances to I-376 inbound will be closed. Motorists traveling westbound on the Boulevard of the Allies will be able to access I-376 westbound at the Boulevard of the Allies entrance ramp. Motorists in Downtown Pittsburgh will be able to access I-376 westbound at Grant Street (71A). A map of the westbound detours and closures can be found here.
Police officers will be on site at each signalized intersection on the posted detour routes to assist with traffic flow and ensure safety for commuters. Motorists should expect significant delays on posted detour routes. 

There will be one last Parkway East closure Christmas to New Year’s closure in December 2015. 
Full details on the Greenfield Bridge closure and Reconstruction Project can be found here.

Public Complete Streets Kick-off Meeting
Following the Mayor's Executive Order for Complete Streets in April, the Department of City Planning is hosting the National Complete Streets Coalition in Pittsburgh. They would like to extend an invitation to an upcoming public meeting to join the discussion about Pittsburgh's plans to make streets more complete. 
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
University of Pittsburgh, Alumni Hall
4227 5th Avenue
Connolly Ballroom
Ray Gastil, AICP
Director, Department of City Planning
Emiko Atherton 
Director, National Complete Streets Coalition 
Jeff Riegner, PE, PTOE, AICP, PP 
Complete Streets Expert

From the Mayors Office:

PITTSBURGH, PA (Nov. 19, 2015) – The City of Pittsburgh Department of Public Works, in conjunction with PennDOT and Mosites Heavy Construction, remind residents that the following I-376 East (Parkway East) closures of both the inbound and outbound lanes will be in effect this weekend:

Friday, Nov. 20 – Sunday, Nov. 23

Closed: Friday, Nov. 20 at 11:00 p.m.  

Reopen: Monday, Nov. 23 at 6:00 a.m.

The eastbound (outbound) closures will begin at Oakland (Exit 72A). All outbound traffic will be directed to the posted detour starting at Exit 72A. Additionally, the Bates St. outbound entrance ramp will be closed. A map of the eastbound closures and detours can be found here.

The westbound (inbound) detour will begin at Wilkinsburg Exit 78B. Inbound traffic coming from the east will be directed to the posted detour starting at Exit 78B. Local traffic traveling westbound will be able to use the Edgewood/Swissvale Exit 77 off-ramp. The Edgewood/Swissvale and Sq. Hill/Homestead on-ramps to I-376 inbound will be closed. Motorists traveling westbound out of Oakland on the Boulevard of the Allies will be able to access I-376 westbound at the Boulevard of the Allies entrance ramp. Motorists in Downtown Pittsburgh will be able to access I-376 westbound at Grant Street (71A). A map of the westbound detours and closures can be found here.

Police officers will be on site at critical intersections on the posted detour routes to assist with traffic flow and ensure safety for all roadway users. Motorists should expect significant delays on posted detour routes.

The closures will be administered by Mosites, the contractor that is overseeing the Greenfield Bridge reconstruction project. The closures are necessary to allow Mosites to perform deconstruction work on the Greenfield Bridge. Crews will be removing the concrete slabs that make up the road surface of the bridge that passes over the closed portions of I-376. This work must be done in advance of preparing the bridge for implosion. Full details on the Greenfield Bridge closure and Reconstruction Project can be found here.

The City of Pittsburgh has made every attempt to minimize the impact of this closure on planned city events. The magnitude and tight schedule for the Greenfield Bridge reconstruction project require these additional weekend closures.  

The city and its partners have a seven week window in which two weekend closures are permitted to take place, not counting the Christmas to New Year’s closure in December 2015. These proposed weekend closures reflect the dates most suitable for closure needs and for minimizing impacts to public events in Downtown, the North Shore and elsewhere.

Possible Alternate Routes

To avoid lengthy delays on the posted detour, PennDOT also suggests taking the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Monroeville to the Harmar Interchange (Exit 48) and using southbound Route 28 to access downtown.

Motorists may also consider taking the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Monroeville to the I-79 interchange in Cranberry (Exit 77) and following I-79 south to the Parkway North (I-279) to Pittsburgh.

Maps and descriptions of alternate routes can be found here.


Inline image 1Meyran Avenue Paving
Meyran Ave is scheduled for paving from Forbes to Bates between October 1st & 15th.
This paving project is part of a cooperative agreement with Peoples Natural Gas (PNG) designed to improve the quality of utility restoration work on city streets, save money for city taxpayers and PNG rate payers, and use the city's limited budget for street resurfacing in the most effective way.
The paving map and schedule are all available online and are easily accessible via the DPW website by clicking here.

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Count Pittsburgh Volunteer Signup
The SECOND city-wide Bike & Pedestrian Count for 2015 will be taking place the week of September 21, 2015.  Let's count Pittsburgh!
To accommodate schedules, counts can be conducted anytime over a 3-day period (9/22 to 9/24) to allow volunteers flexibility.  Choose whichever day (or days) is best for you!
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​Mandatory training session MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, at 6PM
If you attended previous training, this session is recommended but not required.
​ ​
Bridge party logoBridgefest_location_fromPatHassett
Keep Calm and Rock Away The Blues!
Saturday October 17, 2015, 4:00 pm to midnight (On the last day the old bridge is open to the public and closes FOREVER!)
KidsPlus Pediatrics Kids Zone:  4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Rock away the blues at 4:00 pm with Pittsburgh country rockers North of Mason-Dixon and at 8:00 pm Pittsburgh rock legend Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers. Milly hits the stage at 7:30 pm.

he party culminates with a Raffle Drawing for the honor of pushing the plunger and imploding the bridge.

Oakland Transportation Management Association
PennDOT, Police Focus on Reduction of Drugged, Alcohol-Related Crashes through Labor Day 
As part of a focus on reducing drug- and alcohol-related crashes, PennDOT, state police and municipal police will take part in the national “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” enforcement initiative through Labor Day. 
“Even though the number of people killed in drug- and alcohol-related crashes decreased last year, we and law enforcement will not reduce our efforts to make Pennsylvania roads safer,” said PennDOT Secretary Leslie S. Richards. “Enforcement and education efforts occur year round, but will be especially focused through the upcoming holiday travel period.”  
During last year's Labor Day weekend, there were 144 alcohol-related crashes and 16 fatalities as well as 44 drug-related crashes and three fatalities.
The same data also shows that alcohol-related crashes decreased from 11,023 in 2013 to 10,586 in 2014. Fatalities in those crashes decreased from 369 in 2013 to 360 in 2014.
Pennsylvania's DUI Task Forces, the Pennsylvania State Police and local law enforcement statewide will conduct checkpoints and roving patrols as part of the crackdown. 
Visit for more information on impaired driving and PennDOT's other important traffic-safety initiatives.
Public Service Announcement
PennDOT Schedules Public Meetings for Review of Update to Statewide Rail Plan
PennDOT today announced that it has scheduled three open houses for the public and stakeholders to review the draft for the update of the Pennsylvania State Rail plan.
The plan allows the commonwealth to identify a clear vision for the future of rail transportation, to set objectives for achieving that vision, and to document and evaluate passenger and freight rail needs over the course of the next twenty five years to guide investments. 
“Pennsylvania is a railroad state with a long history being in the forefront of this mode of transportation,” said PennDOT Secretary Leslie S. Richards. “Our dynamic and ever evolving long-range rail plan is intended to maintain that legacy and help direct our investments to keep both freight and passenger rail as vibrant components of our transportation network. We look to our residents and stakeholders to use these open houses to help us shape the plan.”
Scheduled meetings are:
Sept. 15, Pittsburgh Amtrak Station, 1100 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Sept. 16, Centre region Council of Governments, 2643 Gateway Drive, State College, PA 16801
Sept. 17, Amtrak 30th Street Station, 2955 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA  19107
All sessions run from 6 to 8 p.m.
The updated plan is to be submitted to FRA in November.
The draft 2015 Pennsylvania State Rail Plan can also be reviewed and comments provided at
Comments will be accepted at the Open House Public Meetings and online from September 31, 2015 to October 2, 2015.
Public Service Announcement
PennDOT, ACHD Urge Safety as Students Head Back to School
Emphasizes School Bus Stopping Law, Pedestrian Safety
As the upcoming school year fast approaches, PennDOT urges motorists to be on the lookout for students and school buses while also familiarizing themselves with Pennsylvania’s school bus stopping law.
Under Pennsylvania state law, motorists traveling in all directions whom are approaching a school bus with its red lights flashing and stop arm extended, are required to come to a complete stop at least 10 feet away from the bus. 
Motorists should also be aware of pedestrians in school zones and nearby crosswalks. According to PennDOT data, there were 77 crashes involving a pedestrian under the age of 18.  Motorists are required to slow down to the posted speed limit of 15 mph in school zones. Violators face a fine and three points on their driving record.
PennDOT District 11 and the Allegheny County Health Department Traffic Safety Education Project offer a free “Rules of the Road” presentation to elementary schools in Allegheny, Beaver, and Lawrence counties. To schedule a presentation, contact Alicia Dosh-Eller at 412-247-7945 or by visiting
For more information on Pennsylvania’s school-bus stopping law, school-bus safety tips and programs, click here
Public Service Announcement
PennDOT Driver License, Photo Centers Closed For Labor Day 
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation today announced that all driver license and photo centers, including its full-service center in Harrisburg, will be closed Saturday, September 5, through Monday, September 7 for the Labor Day holiday.  
Customers may still obtain a variety of driver and vehicle products and services online through PennDOT’s Driver and Vehicle Services website,   

Traffic Advisory

Long-term Westbound Route 380 Closure beginsThursday in Pittsburgh
Portions of Baum Boulevard, North Craig Street to Close for 91 Days
PennDOT District 11 is announcing a long-term closure of westbound Route 380  in the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, will begin on Thursday, August 27 weather permitting.
Beginning at approximately 4 a.m. on Thursday, westbound Route 380 (Baum Boulevard/North Craig Street) will close to traffic from the intersection of Melwood Avenue and Baum Boulevard to the intersection of North Craig Street and Bigelow Boulevard.  The long-term closure will occur around-the-clock for 91 consecutive days.  All westbound traffic will be detoured.
Posted detour
• Take Baum Boulevard to Liberty Avenue
• Follow Liberty Avenue to the Bloomfield Bridge
• Turn left onto the Bloomfield Bridge
• Turn right onto Bigelow Boulevard
• End detour
Motorists on Bigelow Boulevard at the intersection with North Craig Street can continue westbound on Bigelow Boulevard.
Additionally, eastbound traffic on Route 380 will be restricted to a single-lane from the Bloomfield Bridge to Melwood Avenue during the westbound closure.  Crews will conduct roadway reconstruction.
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One final meeting to learn about the proposed bike network and lanes for Oakland.
Proposal calls for traffic and parking changes that makes Oakland safe for all users, drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and individuals with mobility Challenges.
University of Pittsburgh – William Pitt Union Ballroom
Monday August 10, 8:30am.