MARCH MADNESS MAYHEM: Join us at The Corner Saturday, March 28th at 5pm to watch March Madness basketball!
Date: Monday, March 9, 2015
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Pittsburgh Athletic Association, 4215 Fifth Avenue
Contact wwilson@opdc.org or 412.621.7863 ext.15 for more information
Updated: 2/28/15 – Most of the people who had planned to come have cancelled so we will not be having Adult Night Tonight. Hopefully we be able to get things going better when the weather starts to warm up.
Our monthly adult get-togethers at the Frazier Fieldhouse adjacent to Dan Marino Field on Frazier St. Any volunteers, donations of food or beverages is encouraged and welcome.
The Kids nights are going to be suspended during this cold weather.
Saturday Feb 28th is the adult get-together from 7pm-10pm.
Some entertainment is possible, but this event is more of an eat, meet and greet, maybe some card games so that neighbors can introduce themselves and discuss topics of interest and ideas for future events like like music, movies, games, etc.
This event is for ages 21 and older.
Due to the size of the building and limited people to run the event, we are limiting the number of adults to 30, so signing up beforehand is recommended. Please include your name, address and contact number.
Donations of a covered dish, hors d’oeuvres, snacks and beverages are requested and welcome, but not mandatory.
Anyone that would like to share some of their favorite beer or wine for their neighbors to try is also welcome. To avoid this becoming a “bar” night, we ask that you limit to one or two drinks total per person.
We reserve the right to ask anyone who is disruptive at any event to leave.
Please RSVP via SONG contact page, call or text , or talk to Janet Sims in person.
Council President Kraus’ Oakland satellite office is now open by appointment only at People’s Oakland, 3433 Bates St. You can get in touch with Donna and Arlene at 412-689-1130 to make an appointment.
Click here to read the post about the original opening of this satellite office
THE EASIEST WAY TO KEEP UP ON CORNER EVENTS? “Like” us on Facebook as TheCorner200
And check out our website …www.CornerPgh.org
The current version of The Corner Café will host its final café hours today, Tuesday Aug. 19th, and Wednesday Aug. 20th from 3pm-7pm. Come have a cuppa joe and a piece of buttercake as we celebrate all that this outreach has done for our community over the last 16 months! And watch for updates on upcoming renovations of The Corner building.
Conscious Media: Back to School Edition – Screening of the film Freedom Writers on Thursday, Aug. 21st at 6:30.This film chronicles struggles endured by at-risk youth and a passionate teacher’s dedication to their education. We’ll take a look at and discuss the state of America’s public school system. Free event. Light refreshments provided.
FREE HOMEBUYING WORKSHOP – The Corner is partnering with Dollar Bank to host a FREE Home Buying Workshop on Monday, Aug. 25th at 6pm at The Corner. Learn how you can improve your credit, access home buying programs, and become a first-time homebuyer. Meal and refreshments provided. To register, contact Julie @ 412-683-1400 orjmh206@pitt.edu.
Poetry Reading and Book Signing by CATHLEEN BAILEY, author of Split Rock/Cracked Cave and Wild Howling Woman. Thursday, Aug 21st, 6-8pm at the Ujamma Collective Boutique, 1901 Centre Avenue.
Word of Mouth: Open Mic, Music, and more. Black August Edition. Friday, Aug. 22nd, 9pm-midnight. Sign up atujamaacoop@gmail.com or 412.228.5160. Hosted by artists and activist Blak Rapp Madusa. $5 cover. Refreshments.
Rock The Mic: Open Mic Series @ The Corner, Saturday, Aug. 23rd at 7pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. Admission is $5. An epic night of spoken word, music and poetry. Please contact Nadine Masagara-Taylor at halisi.pr@gmail.com or call412.683.1400 for more details or to perform.
The next meeting of the West Oakland Neighborhood Council is Tuesday, September 2nd from 6:30-8:00. Contact The Corner to add an agenda item.
GOOD NEIGHBOR CAMPAIGN. On Saturday, Sept. 6th, The Corner will be partnering with Oakland Planning and Development Corp to participate in the 3rd annual Good Neighbor Campaign! We’ll welcome new student neighbors with gift bags and information on the community. Meet at 9am in front of Friendship Community Church (181 Robinson St.) if you want to be part of this welcome team. Contact Julie Hudak @ 412-683-1400 or jmh206@pitt.edu for info or to let us know you’ll participate.
Last year TreeVitalize brought 20 new trees to West Oakland (and more will be planted this fall). Residents can now participate in a Tree Care Day, a 2-hour effort to clean and weed tree pits and remulch. With interest and for details, contact Barb Brewton, 412-606-9692.
AROUND THE CORNER is sponsored by The Corner, 200 Robinson Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, a program of Friendship Community Church. Please forward this email to neighbors, friends, and family who’d be interested in these events. If you wish to unsubscribe from this email list, please email info@CornerPgh.org.
To learn more about The Corner, visit www.CornerPgh.org or www.facebook.com/TheCorner200 or call 412-683-1400.