- Carlow University – August 23-24, 28, 2016
- Carnegie Mellon University – August 20, 24-25, 2016
- Chatham University – August 24, 2016
- Duquesne University – August 16, 2016
- Point Park University – August 22, 25, 27, 2016
- University of Pittsburgh – August 22-28, 2016
- Participants receive three hours of training one evening a week for 15 weeks.
- Participants are taught the basics of criminal law, search and seizure, patrol tactics, firearms and many other subjects.
- Participants learn about the processing of crimes, how police canines are used and are exposed to many of the specialty police units.
Last month the City, Uptown Partners, Oakland Planning & Development Corp., and neighbors had a hugely successful OPEN HOUSE to kick off the Uptown/West Oakland EcoInnovation District planning process! This event signaled the start of robust community engagement to create the City’s most sustainable and equitable district plan.

As you are aware, this is an important part of the “Be A Good Neighbor” initiative, and the objective for these neighborhood meet and greet events is to encourage relationship building and conversations between students with their long-term resident neighbors as well as with leaders of the Oakland and Pittsburgh communities on a range of topics related to being a good neighbor.
We look forward to seeing you there!

- One member must be a resident of Pittsburgh City Council Districts 2, 6, and 9
- One member must be a resident of Pittsburgh City Council Districts 1,3, and 5
- One member must be a resident of Pittsburgh City Council Districts 4, 7, and 8
- Name and contact information
- Resume (or Letter of Support if nominating another individual)
- Council District where nominee resides (Searchable Map here)
- Identification of any relevant experience,