09/12 2018

Commuter Survey

The Make My Trip Count (MMTC) 2018 survey has officially launched! 
The Make My Trip Count regional commuter survey launched, as part of Pittsburgh’s effort to capture residents’ changing transportation choices. 
Created by Green Building Alliance in partnership with the region’s major transportation partners Make My Trip Count (MMTC) measures traditional transit modes like personal vehicles, light rail, and buses, in addition to ridesharing (such as Uber and Lyft), electric vehicles, and bike share users. 
The survey on MakeMyTripcount.org takes 5 to 10 minutes, and the results will inform critical transportation and infrastructure decisions throughout Western Pennsylvania.   
“The survey asks every resident to share their commuter experience,” explains Executive Director of Green Building Alliance Jenna Cramer. “We can only create a healthier and more vibrant city if we understand how all Pittsburghers access economic opportunity.” 
Respondents who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing to win one of twenty $50 visa gift cards. 
Make My Trip Count runs from September 10th until October 26th on MakeMyTripCount.org. 

 Announcing upcoming Citizen & Student Police Academies for the Fall of 2018. 
The Citizen's Police Academy (CPA), for individuals 18 years of age and older, will  be held weekly beginning Thursday, September 6, 2018. 
The Student Police Academy (SPA), for youth in grades 9 thru 12, which will also be held weekly beginning Wednesday, October 10, 2018. 
All classes will begin at 6 PM and will be held at Point Park University, Downtown Pittsburgh.

 Moving out? Don't leave your belongings on the curb!
Clutter For A Cause
August 11, 10am-5pm
Sennot Sq Lot (corner of Sennot St & Oakland Ave) 
Help reduce waste & litter in Oakland
Responsibly dispose of your lightly used items at this summer collection drive.
See flyer for more info.
For updates on this and other related issues text 15213MATTERS to 797979  

Traffic Advisory 
Forbes Avenue Upcoming Paving Operations This Weekend 
From Craft Avenue and Atwood Street 
The concrete barriers, in front of the Campus Advantage development (at Forbes Ave and Halket St), will be removed by Rycon Construction, either Thursday night, July 19th or Friday morning, July 20th. Channelizers will be placed where the barriers are currently. When paving operations are finished on Sunday night, July 22nd, all lanes will be opened to unrestricted traffic on Forbes Ave. The concrete barriers will be replaced, by Rycon, Monday morning, July 23rd. 
Friday, July 20, 2018 – Sunday, July 22, 2018 (around the clock) (milling and paving operations from Craft Ave. to Atwood St.) 
Friday, July 20th – Saturday, July 21st
Work will begin with the left side of Forbes Ave from Friday night thru Saturday night.
Milling operations will begin at 8PM on Friday night and should finish up at 6AM on Saturday. 
Saturday, July 21st – Sunday, July 22nd
At 6AM preping/cleaning of the milled surface will take place and paving will begin on the left side of Forbes Ave at 7AM.
At 7PM line striping of the left side of Forbes Ave will take place. This should all be completed by 8PM Saturday night. 
Traffic will then be shifted onto the newly placed asphalt so that milling and paving of the right side of Forbes Ave can take place. 
Milling of the right side will occur from 8PM Saturday Night thru 6AM Sunday Morning.
Paving of the right side of Forbes Ave. will occur from 6AM Sunday Morning thru 7PM Sunday Night.  Line striping of the right side of Forbes should be complete by 8PM and the road will be opened to unrestricted traffic. 
No milling/paving of the tie-ins to the side streets will be done this weekend. 
No parking will be permitted on both sides of Forbes Ave from Craft  Ave. to Atwood St. 
Port Authority buses may be detoured during these times. Please check their website for updates. 
For more info, or to sign up for email alerts go to

FREE Intro To Yoga & Meditation presented by YOGA U PGH and
South Oakland Neighborhood Group (SONG) at Frazier Farms, 3716 Frazier St. 
Tuesdays at 7pm, beginning July 10 at Frazier Farms, 3716 Frazier St. 
No experience necessary. Participants must be 16 years of age or older.
Come dressed comfortably in layers and prepared to move. 
Yoga mats will be available. 
Check out our events page at SouthOaklandPgh.org/Events 


This request for help was posted on Facebook. As SONG gets more info we will pass on to our community: 
“If you would like to help in anyway please let us know. Supplies and donations can be sent to the following address: 
Lubomir Walter Kochanskyj
Mike Medwed
c/o Ward Street Fire Charity
914 North Saint Clair Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15206 
Please specify if you want to help a specific tenant(s) or all 5 tenants as a whole (Mike Apt.#1, Louie Apt. #4, David Apt.#5, Joel Apt.#2, Jason Apt.#1A basement). Apt.#3 was vacant at the time. More information will be posted about David, Joel, and Jason as soon as it becomes available. 
A donation page is being set up and a link will be available shortly. If you know anyone (person, business, charity) that might want to help please share this Facebook page with them. Thank you and God Bless. 

Allegheny County has announced the lineup for its 2018 series of free summer concerts and movies. 
All concerts are free, except for the Allegheny County Music Festival, which asks for a $20 donation to benefit the Human Services department. 
Food trucks and the Hop Farm Brewing Company will be on site at all concerts, most of which begin at 7:30 p.m. 
For more details, go to the county website at http://www.alleghenycounty.us/special-events or call the special events office at 412-350-2528.

The City of Pittsburgh offers special curbside collection days twice a year to promote environmentally-friendly disposal of your seasonal yard debris. 
or visit PGH.ST to schedule reminders for upcoming dates. 
They will collect the following items curbside:
  • Leaves
  • Branches (4" diameter or less)
  • Brush
  • Grass
  • Items must be in paper bags weighing less than 35 lbs. No plastic bags!
  • Bundle all branches with fiber twine or natural rope in lengths of 5 ft or less.
  • Set these items out at the curb at your regular collection spot before 6:00 a.m. on the morning of the collection day.
Yard waste that does not meet the collection guidelines will be left at the curb.  

DEA National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day
Saturday, April 28, 2018 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications.  All City of Pittsburgh police zones will be participating in this program, which allows for you to bring in any unused, unwanted or expired medications so that they may be safely and properly disposed of.
The DEA cannot accept liquids or needles or sharps, only pills or patches. 
The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Bring your pills for disposal to police headquarters or any police station. 
Mayor William Peduto and the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) have finalized the list of 2018 street resurfacing projects, totaling nearly 55 miles of paving this year.  
Paving work is set to begin Monday.  
The full list of streets the City will be paving this year can be found here. Weekly work lists for individual streets will also be posted. 
The list of streets where work is being performed next week is here, and a searchable map of 2018 street resurfacing work via Burgh's Eye View is here
See attached PDF file for list of just District 3 & 6 streets scheduled.  Be sure to report any potholes or other road deficiencies to 3-1-1 so they can be addressed.