Given the weather forcast for severely cold weather over the next few days, we’re repeating some cold weather safety info.
As the temperatures are forecast to drop over the next few days we ask that you take precautions to keep warm. Please review the following steps if you have to go outdoors.
  • Wear layers of loose-fitting, lightweight and warm clothing. Outer garments should be tightly woven, water repellent, and hooded. 
  • Wear a hat, because 40% of your body heat can be lost from your head.
  • Cover your mouth to protect your lungs from extreme cold.
  • Mittens, snug at the wrist, are better than gloves. 
  • Try to stay dry and out of the wind.
Also, please be sure to check on elderly loved ones and neighbors to make sure they are staying warm and dry.  And check on any outside pets, or even consider bringing them inside.
This week is our first planned monthly kids movie night and adult get-togethers at the Frazier Fieldhouse adjacent to Dan Marino Field on Frazier St.  Any volunteers, donations of food or beverages, or even lending of movies is encouraged and welcome.

Friday January 31st is the kids movie night from 5pm-7pm.

  • Due to the size of the building and limited people to run the event, we are limiting the number of children to 30, so signing up beforehand is recommended.  Please include child’s name, parents’ names, address and contact number.
  • Children ages 5-15 are welcome.  Any children ages 5-9 are required to have a parent or older sibling to accompany them.
  • Some food/snacks will be provided, but parents must provide and coordinate any special diet or other restrictions.
  • Donations of snacks and beverages are definitely welcome.
  • All children MUST be picked up by 7pm.

Saturday February 1st is the adult get-together from 7pm-10pm.

  • For this first event, we are planning more of an eat, meet and greet so that neighbors can introduce themselves and discuss topics of interest and ideas for future events like like music, movies, games, etc.
  • This event is for ages 21 and older.
  • Due to the size of the building and limited people to run the event, we are limiting the number of adults to 40, so signing up beforehand is recommended.  Please include your name, address and contact number.
  • Donations of a covered dish, hors d’oeuvres, snacks and beverages are definitely welcome.
  • Anyone that would like to share some of their favorite beer or wine for their neighbors to try is also welcome.  To avoid this becoming a “bar” night, we ask that you limit to one or two drinks total per person.

We reserve the right to ask anyone who is disruptive at any event to leave.

Please RSVP via email or talk to Janet Sims in person.

Just a heads-up, the second monthly events will be Friday February 28th for the kids and Saturday March 1st for adults.

Nine Pittsburgh-area cultural organizations are thanking supporters by offering free admission to members of the following participating museums on select dates next month. In other words, members of any participating museum gets free admission at any of the other eight on designated days.

Free admission extends to two adults and four children.

They (and the dates) are:

  • Westmoreland Museum of American Art, Feb. 1
  • Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, Feb. 2
  • Sen. John Heinz History Center, Feb. 8
  • Mattress Factory, Feb. 9
  • Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, Feb. 15
  • Frick Art & Historical Center, Feb. 16
  • Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, Feb. 17
  • Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, Feb. 22
  • National Aviary, Feb. 23
All hearings are on Thursday, January 23rd, starting at 10:00 AM
Judge Ricciardi
The Maul Building, 1700 East Carson Street, Suite 300 on the 3rd Floor
Volunteers Needed for Oakland Housing Court!
Please confirm attendance prior to hearing with Oakwatch: The Oakland Code Enforcement Project at or 412.621.7863 ext. 273275 Parkview Avenue:
Violation: Failure to replace/ repair sidewalk/ driveway
Owner: Leonard and Marie A. Drak
64 Bates:
Violations: Overgrown weeds and grass
Owner: John A. Grabowski
214 S. Craig Street:
Violations: Failure to replace/ repair sidewalk/ driveway
Owner: Stanton Marlon
4527 Winthrop:
Violations: Failure to replace/ repair sidewalk/ driveway
Owner: Stanton Marlon
3223 Joe Hammer Square:
Violations: Overgrown weeds and grass
Owner:  Micheal A. Shovlin
3302 Ward Street:
Violations: Failure to apply for certificate of occupancy and failure to secure certificate of occupancy
Owner: Justin Abraham
511 Cato Street:
Violation: Overgrown weeds and grass
Owner: Christine Bolotin Cucinell

Music Performance: Reggae Jam
Come enjoy Reggae music at The Corner on Saturday, January 18th @ 7pm. Truth and Rites will be jamming the evening away. Light refreshments served. This is a free event.

MLKing Jr. Art Project
Bring kids of all ages to participate in an interactive art project to commemorate the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. Monday, January 20th from 12pm to 3pm. Refreshments and art supplies will be provided. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Saturday, Jan. 25 @ 3 p.m. How “just” is our country’s criminal justice system? What could a Christian response to inequities in the system look like? This three-part film and discussion series will provide opportunities to explore these and other issues. “Slavery by Another Name,” the first film in the series, will give this issue some historical context. and will be shown

The Corner Website

OPDC’s Keep it Clean, Oakland program works with college groups each month who have “adopted blocks” and made commitments to do monthly clean-ups of these blocks throughout the year. If you see these students on your block, please introduce yourself!  Feel free to join in.  The next few tentative Saturday dates are

  • January 25th
  • February 8th and 25th
  • March 1st and 22nd
  • April 5th and 26th

For more information, contact or 412.621,7863 ext. 24.

Alpha Phi Omega Ophelia St, Hamlet St, Craft Pl
Asian Leadership Program Blvd of the Allies
Bachelors of Art in Social Work (BASW) Club Frazier St, Boehm St, Griffith St
Beta Beta Beta Craft Ave, Joe Hammer Sq, Kennet Sq, Niagara St
Cornerstone Blvd of the Allies, Zulema, Wellsford, Nimrod
Kappa Sigma Hardie Way, Juliet St, Romeo, Gorman, Cato
Lambda Kappa Sigma Dawson St.
Pi Lambda Phi Orpwood St, Edgehill St., Childs Way
Pitt Circle K Halket St., Halket Pl. & Louisa Staircase
Sigma Beta Rho Lawn St
Tau Kappa Epsilon Ward St.
Triangle Fraternity Parkview
Phi Sigma Pi National Honors Hodge St, Mackey St


VA Pittsburgh will offer free flu shots to eligible Veterans from September 1 through March 30.

VA Pittsburgh has several easy ways for Veterans to get vaccinated:

  • Drop by a walk-in flu shot clinic at H.J. Heinz or University Drive from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. any weekday beginning September 16, except federal holidays. Check in at registration, and they will point you in the right direction.
    • At University Drive: Go to the main lobby on the first floor.
    • At H.J. Heinz: Go to the Ambulatory Care Center (Building 71).
  • Visit your local community-based outpatient clinic.
  • Visit University Drive’s emergency department during evenings, weekends or federal holidays.
  • Ask for a free flu shot at any scheduled VAPHS appointment or from your visiting VA nurse.

Be sure to bring along a photo ID, such as a driver’s license or your Veterans Identification Card.

Oakwatch meeting will be at the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh (234 McKee Place) from 12-1:30PM.
The Federation likes to know how many to plan for so RSVP with Alicia at 412.621.7863 ext. 21.
Only street parking will be available.

Code enforcement partners will join us for updates, and District 8 City Councilman Dan Gilman will be the guest speaker. Coffee and snacks will abound.

01/06 2014



As the temperatures are forecasted to drop over the next day we ask that you take precautions to keep warm. Please review the following steps if you have to go outdoors.

  • Wear layers of loose-fitting, lightweight and warm clothing. Outer garments should be tightly woven, water repellent, and hooded.
  • Wear a hat, because 40% of your body heat can be lost from your head.
  • Cover your mouth to protect your lungs from extreme lungs.
  • Mittens, snug at the wrist, are better than gloves.
  • Try to stay dry and out of the wind. Also, please be sure to check on elderly loved ones to make sure they are staying warm and dry.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office at 412-255-2134.


District 6 Office

NO CITY REFUSE COLLECTION ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2014 Sent 01/06/2014 @ 10:12 am


Please be advised that due to the extreme cold temperatures forecasted for tomorrow there will be no garbage and recycling collections. We have received the following message from the Department of Public Works:

Residents who have a Tuesday collection should leave their trash out for collection and City crews will service it later in the week. All Wednesday through Friday collections will remain as scheduled. While work is suspended on Tuesday, we are urging residents to follow their regular scheduled weekly pick up as crews will be working extra hours (including Saturday if needed) to complete all routes ASAP beginning Wednesday, January 9, 2014.


District 6 Office

As the weather predictions for Tuesday 1/7/14 seem pretty definite for temperatures around zero and wind chills as low as -20 to -30, it’s looking like we should cancel or postpone.  One option may be the following Tuesday 1/14/14.  Let us know your thoughts if you are planning on coming and we’ll see what we can arrange.

If you have any neighbors who might need some assistance, please check in on them to make sure they are ok.

Jan. 16, 5-8pm

Join Green Building Alliance and Phipps Conservatory for the Inspire Speakers Series, featuring nationally renowned experts in various fields of sustainability, as well as local specialists who can share experiences from the environmental front lines in Western Pennsylvania. National Guest: David Sobel, Faculty, Antioch University, Local Guest: Jane Werner, Executive Director, Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh.

Check website for more info.

David Sobel is the “father of place-based education” and shares insight into ways that we can all find inspiration from place and by keeping our “feet in the clouds.” David demonstrates how we can all learn from our surroundings. David will be joined by Jane Werner, executive director of the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh.