Oakwatch : The Oakland Code Enforcement Project
Third Wednesdays
April 20, 6pm at the Oakland Career Center, 294 Semple St, Pgh, PA 15213.
Check the webpage for further details and any last minute changes.
Green Team : Putting the “oak” back in Oakland
Third Thursdays
April 21, 6pm, Oakland Career Center, 294 Semple St, Pgh, PA 15213.
​Scheduled this month:
  ​the launch of Solarize Allegheny and Grassroots Green Homes
Check the webpage for further details and any last minute changes.

Going Solar Workshop for Oakland Commercial Property Owners
Tuesday, April 5, 2016  8:15 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall & Museum
1st Floor, Hall of Valor, 4141 Fifth Avenue
(Registration, coffee & light refreshments at 8:15 a.m., presentation at 8:30 a.m.)
As partners in the Solarize Allegheny campaign – Oakland Planning and Development Corporation, Oakland Business Improvement District, Uptown Partners and the Green Building Alliance’s Pittsburgh 2030 District invite you to join the launch of “Solarize Oakland-Uptown” to learn how solar can work for your business.
At this informational session, we will provide an overview of solar energy and discussion about financing. You will also meet the two local, pre-screened solar installers and have the ability to request a free quote for your building through the program.    

Last month the City, Uptown Partners, Oakland Planning & Development Corp., and neighbors had a hugely successful OPEN HOUSE to kick off the Uptown/West Oakland EcoInnovation District planning process! This event signaled the start of robust community engagement to create the City’s most sustainable and equitable district plan.

If you missed it, there will be another chance to share your thoughts about the neighborhood!
Public Open House #2 will be
Wednesday, March 30th, 6-9 pm at 300 Gist Street
See the attached flyer for more info or visit the main website at ecoinnovationdistrict.org

pdf icon EID_flyer_033016.pdf

pdf icon SBRF-Allegheny-Center.pdf

The Office of Mayor William Peduto is co-hosting another Small Business Resource Fair on Monday, April 4 from 4:30-7pm at NOVA Place (100 S. Commons) in Allegheny Center. This Fair has a focus on the Makers movement. Entrepreneurs and Makers of all sorts are invited to attend and meet with free or low-cost resource providers. It will be a great opportunity for them to learn how to launch or grow their small business. 
​ ​

There is a facebook page for the event at https://www.facebook.com/events/1685848145016977/ and

​the ​



flyer. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the Mayor's Office Small Business & Redevelopment Manager, Henry Pyatt, at henry.pyatt@pittsburghpa.gov 

Zone 4 Public Safety Council meeting will be held this Thursday, March 17th at 6:00 pm at the Jewish Community Center, Room #307.
     The deadline is approaching for the annual FOP Caring Cops Easter Project.  This is our annual Easter candy drive and all candy donated will be used to make up gift bags and baskets. Those gift bags/baskets will be delivered to children who are victims of crimes at Children’s Hospital, Mercy Hospital and The Women’s Shelter of Pittsburgh.  If anyone would like to donate candy for this project, the following options are available:
*You can drop off candy at Zone 4 station.  There is a collection box located in the lobby at the front entrance of the station.
*If you are attending the Zone 4 Public Safety Council meeting they will be collecting candy there as well.
*Contact Community Resource Officers Leshen, Pauley or Shifren and they can arrange to pick up any donations.
The deadline for the candy drive is this Thursday, March 17th.  Any donations are greatly appreciated.
Birmingham Bridge Preservation begins New Phase Monday Inline image 2

PennDOT District 11 is announcing the next phase of work on the Birmingham Bridge Complex Preservation Project will begin Monday, March 14, weather permitting. 
Beginning at 9 a.m. Monday, the southbound side of the Birmingham Bridge will close to traffic to begin preservation work. All southbound traffic will be shifted into the northbound lanes. The new configuration will consist of two northbound lanes and one southbound lane. Additionally, all bicycles and pedestrians will use the barrier protected northbound side of the bridge. 
The on-ramp from Forbes Avenue to the Birmingham Bridge will close, as will the southbound sidewalk.  Motorists will be detoured.
Car and Truck Detour from Forbes Avenue:
  • Eastbound Forbes Avenue traffic will continue past the closed ramp
  • Turn left onto Craft Avenue
  • Turn left onto Fifth Avenue
  • Follow Fifth Avenue back to the bridge
Additionally, left hand bicycle turns and pedestrian access from Fifth Avenue to the southbound bridge approach will be prohibited.  Bicycle and pedestrian traffic will be detoured.  
Posted Bicycle and Pedestrian Detour from Fifth Avenue:
  • Follow Fifth Avenue past the intersection with the Birmingham Bridge
  • Turn left onto Moultrie Street
  • Turn left onto Forbes Avenue
  • Continue past the closed on-ramp to the bridge
  • Turn right onto the protected bi-directional bicycle and pedestrian lane
Bicyclists and pedestrians heading northbound across the bridge to Fifth Avenue will be detoured.
Posted Bicycle and Pedestrian Detour from Carson Street to Fifth Avenue:

  • Follow the bi-directional protected bicycle and pedestrian lane northbound across the bridge and down the ramp to Forbes Avenue
  • Turn left onto Forbes Avenue
  • Cross Forbes Avenue at the crosswalk
  • Turn right onto Moultrie Street
  • Turn right onto Fifth Avenue
The new long-term configuration will remain in place around-the-clock through Sunday, November 13. Crews from Joseph B. Fay Company will begin bridge preservation work on the southbound side of the bridge including painting, structural steel repairs, bearing and expansion dam replacements, deck resurfacing and lighting replacement.
This work is part of the $28.5 million Birmingham Bridge Preservation Project, which includes painting of the entire superstructure, steel repairs, bearing replacements, substructure repairs, light pole replacements and a concrete overlay.  The northbound side of the bridge was completed in 2015.
Construction will conclude in the spring of 2017. 

pdf icon City-Wide-Spring-2016.pdf

Spring 2016 Public Safety Meeting.
The meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 20th at 6:00pm at Teamster's Temple #2409, located at 4701 Butler Street in Lawrenceville (15201)
"Keeping Our Neighborhood Treasures Safe"
Learn About Local Resources And Initiatives That Will Keep Your Community Safe…Especially Our Senior Population, Their Caregivers And Those Who Are Our Most Vulnerable.
MEET: Mayor William Peduto, Public Safety Director Wendell Hissrich, Police Command Staff And Zone Officers.
HEAR: From Bureau Chiefs Of Fire, Emergency Medical Services, Animal Care And Control, As Well As Emergency Response & Homeland Security.

pdf icon 2016-Annual-Action-Plan-Public-Hearing-Notice-02052016.pdf

The notice is hereby given by the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA that it’s FY 2016 Consolidated Annual Action Plan has been prepared. The City intends to submit its FY 2016 Consolidated Annual Action Plan in the amount of $12,753,055 for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds;  
$1,691,816 in HOME funds; $1,149,245 in Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds; and $735,136 in HOPWA funds. The FY 2016 Consolidated Annual Action Plan will be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on or before April 15, 2016. 
The City will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, March 29, 2016 on the FY 2016 Consolidated Annual Action Plan. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive testimony or comments on the draft FY 2016 Consolidated Annual Action Plan document. The meeting will take place at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 29, 2016 in the First Floor Conference Room, 200 Ross Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. The building is handicapped accessible through the rear.
In order to obtain the views of citizens, public agencies and other interested parties, the City of Pittsburgh will place its Consolidated Annual Action Plan for FY 2016 on display and online from March 11, 2016 through April 11, 2016, at the City of Pittsburgh’s website (http://pittsburghpa.gov/dcp/community-development/cdbg).
See the attached document for more information

To vote in the next election, you must complete your application by 03/28/2016. You can submit your application:
  • Online through the link below
  • Delivered to your county voter registration office.
  • By mail to your county voter registration office, postmarked by 03/28/2016. 
  • Click on the link below to download a blank voter registration form
  • If you are on active duty in the military, or you are a hospitalized or bedridden veteran, you can register at any time. 

Please save the date for OPDC’s 2016 event, to be held on June 10th, 2016 at the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children. We’re honored to have Rick Sebak join us as the Master of Ceremonies. Hear new Oakland stories, curated with support from Caliban Book Shop. Legume/Butterjoint will once again provide delicious food and cocktails. For more information, contact event@opdc.org or 412.621.7863.
  The Pittsburgh Bureau of Police Intern Program
Applications due by April 15th at Pittsburgh’s Online Employment Center
Summer Term
June 13th to August 12th
Fall Term
September 12th to November 11th
  • Must be a college student
  • Completed at least 45 credit hours
  • Maintain at least a 2.5 QPA
Apply at:

pdf icon Police-Summer-Intern-Flyer.pdf
doc icon Intern-Program-2016.docx


Construction Junction (CJ) has a licensed and insured Deconstruction Department that can save you money. Feed your inner ”need to be green” on your next residential or commercial renovation. Just purchased a “new-to-you” home or commercial property? Then take advantage of CJ’s FREE deconstruction service to pull out useable building materials before you move in or start a major renovation.  CJ will gladly do a walk-through and coordinate with you to remove usable items from your unoccupied property. Many of their deconstruction services are free of charge, and they make it easy for you from planning to completion.

Their experienced, fully-insured deconstruction staff will come out to remove salvageable materials such as lumber, trim, fixtures, doors, windows, cabinets – anything that can be reused instead of going to a landfill. You’ll save on disposal costs, it’s better for our environment, and it provides job training opportunities for our partnerships with Goodwill and the Trade Institute of Pittsburgh. Your donation is fully tax deductible, and they’ll give you a receipt for the items you donate.
The Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) will continue repairs on Forbes Avenue at Morewood Street due to a 20-inch water main break.  A geotechnical engineer assessed the safety and integrity of the road after the break.  It was determined installing a new 20-inch water main would be the best solution. PWSA is coordinating repair efforts with PennDOT and the Department of Public Works.  We appreciate the public’s patience as this issue gets resolved in the safest and most efficient manner possible.
The PWSA contractor will be working 24/7 through Friday, March 18, 2016, at 4:00 p.m.
Forbes Avenue (South Craig Street – Morewood Avenue) will remain closed to all traffic until repairs are completed. PWSA does not anticipate any impact to water service.