The City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County today announced that a victory parade for the 2016 Stanley Cup Champion Pittsburgh Penguins will take place in downtown on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 11:30 a.m. 
Parade Route 
The parade route will follow a similar route as previous championship parades that took place in 2009. The route will begin on Grant Street at Liberty Avenue, travel along Grant Street to the Boulevard of the Allies, turn right onto the Boulevard of the Allies and will end at the intersection of the Boulevard of the Allies and Stanwix Street. A stage will be set up at Stanwix Street for celebratory remarks from Pittsburgh Penguins personnel. 
Road closures and parade route barricade installation will begin at 12:00 a.m. Wednesday morning. 

pdf icon GGH-Flyer-6.7.16.pdf

Participate in the Energy Efficiency Challenge – Sign Up By June 30 for Kits #3-12 
Sign up to receive free Do-It-Yourself energy efficiency tools for participation in a ongoing energy efficiency challenge. Share your utility bill with our team, and you will get information and guidance from your own neighbors on ways to lower your energy bills. 
Apply for Free Home Weatherization Plus Services – Round 2: Deadline August 30
Apply for additional free weatherization services (like air sealing and insulation) to make your house even more energy efficient. To qualify, you must own your own home and be a non-smoker. After the work is complete, you will be able to showcase the improvements through data sharing or a home tour. 
Get Involved: Be an Energy Coach – Still Accepting Applications
There are still ways to get involved in the program! Energy Coaches attend free training and planning sessions to design program roll out to their neighborhoods, organize tip and tool distribution, and gather feedback from participants. 
See the attached flyer for more info

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Capital Budget Forums: Two Capital Budget Deliberative Forums will be held this year as part of the City's Capital Budget development process. Residents will also have the chance to let the City know of specific Capital work in their neighborhoods that they would like to see done in 2016.
  • Tuesday June 21 6-8 p.m., Letter Carrier's Union Hall, 841 California Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
  • Thursday June 23 6-8 p.m., Kingsley Association, 6435 Frankstown Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 
  • Register Here: budget
Oakwatch : The Oakland Code Enforcement Project
Third Wednesdays
June 15 6pm at the Oakland Career Center, 294 Semple St, Pgh, PA 15213.

Check the webpage for further details and any last minute changes.
Guest Speaker Allison Harnden – Pittsburgh Nighttime Economy Manager  
Green Team : Putting the “oak” back in Oakland
Third Thursdays
June 16, 6pm, Oakland Career Center, 294 Semple St, Pgh, PA 15213.
Check the webpage for further details and any last minute changes.

Spend Smart while Eating Great
Win free lunch for a month as well as other great prizes from Oakland retail shops!
Also, enjoy a Meatless Monday option thanks to the Sustainable Pittsburgh Restaurants Program — OBID’s way of helping to reduce the impact on the environment.
The Massaro Corporation has received a Traffic Obstruction Permit from the City of Pittsburgh to permit reducing Forbes Avenue in Oakland between Craft Avenue to Halket to ONE LANE beginning at 11pm on Friday, June 3, 2016 thru 6am on Monday, June 6, 2016.  Police traffic control, and signs for an alternate route will be in place. The additional lane closure is necessary to permit the dismantling of the tower crane.

The Center on Race and Social Problems is hosting a Summer Institute with the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police. Procedural Justice is a cornerstone for building long-term relationships between the police and the communities they serve. Procedural justice means day-to-day fairness inside and outside the organization. 
Chief Cameron McLay and his team will share the principles of procedural justice with community leaders – emphasizing how the concept is key for promoting positive change in local and national community-police relations.Kimberly Burke’s participation is sponsored by the National Initiative to Build Community. 
June 29, 2016; 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
2017 Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh 
This event is free but registration required.

The Energy Innovation Center is currently recruiting for the Intro to Trades Program.  This is a very popular exploration and apprentice readiness training that is highly recognized by 19 trades in the city of Pittsburgh.  The first class was very successful with a 93% completion rate; 100% of the participants who have taken the exams have passed; 66% have received acceptance letters and at least  (2) of the participants h ave completed the process and working earning $16-17 per hour with benefits. 
They expect the successes to continue to climb as the apprentice exam periods opens throughout the year. The 6-week training course includes a daily stipend. 
Interviews are being scheduled (beginning June 1st) for a capacity enrollment of 20 committed candidates. 

This project will complete a missing link in the existing Bigelow Blvd bike lanes connecting Fifth Ave and Forbes Ave and providing a safe bicycle route throughout the neighborhood. 
The Department of City Planning will host a meeting to discuss and request input on this project. Your thoughts are important to the project's success! 
It will be held at the Oakland Career Center, 294 Semple Street at 6pm 

June 6, 2016
4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
6th Floor, City-County Building 
The Mayor's Office in partnership with the URA will host a complimentary, government focused, Small Business Resource Fair. The purpose of the event is to offer small business owners in-person access to representatives from all relevant departments within city services (zoning, permits, ADA compliance, etc.). You will have the opportunity to have all of your questions answered ― all in one location. This event would be ideal for small business owners such as restaurateurs, retail owners, contractors, etc. 

Tickets are now on sale for OPDC's Evening of Oakland Storytelling, featuring Rick Sebak. Look forward to an exciting lineup of live storytellers, which will be announced soon. This year's storytelling program is curated by The Moth in Pittsburgh and Caliban Book Shop and will celebrate the variety of relationships people from all walks of life have with Oakland. 
The event will be Friday, June 10th at 6pm the Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children at 201 N Bellefield Ave. Enjoy great food and cocktails prepared by Legume, live music by Chatham Baroque, and a time to reconnect with neighbors, supporters and friends from across all OPDC's programs. 
Thanks to the support of generous sponsors, 100% of your ticket purchase is tax-deductible and will support OPDC's mission and services. 

When it comes to being active, every little bit counts. 
Whether it’s parking an extra block away from the office or going for a loop around the block after taking out the garbage, making strides adds up! 
That’s why WalkPittsburgh is proud to announce the  Making Strides Contest!
To participate and potentially win a $200 gift card to use toward sporting goods and outdoor gear, follow the instructions on their website.